

In these times when there is an emphasis on the physical practices of Yoga, it is easy to forget that Yoga is an ancient science of Self-Mastery, connection, and evolution. Yoga is the spiritual inheritance of humanity and it is as timeless as the question: “Why are we here?”

In addition to our meditation, breathwork and yoga classes, our Evolutionary Programs include Sattva Knowledge, Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, Sacred Rituals, Advanced Practices and Sattva Yoga Academy Global Teacher Training to help us grow and evolve. At Sattva California we offer comprehensive and relevant knowledge teachings which are holistic, integrative, and deeply transformative for all aspects of human existence. 

Sattva Knowledge

We offer community discussion classes on topics to improve our mental, physical and emotional well-being and understand ourselves. Integrating all aspects of yogic knowledge from the sciences of light and life, this is an opportunity to learn more about yoga, ayurveda and vedic astrology.

Our intention is for students to experience radical transformation and learn how to experience enlightened living. Knowledge from the Yoga-Vedantic tradition is knowledge that frees, not knowledge that creates burdens. Any knowledge that creates burden is incorrect knowledge. For knowledge to have the value of wisdom, it has to elevate our status. It has to lead us in the direction of greater and greater freedom, not in the direction of greater entanglement.

Sattva Ayurveda

Ayurveda means “life knowledge or the science of life” and is one of most in-depth sciences coming from the Vedic tradition. It is a part of the Vedanga, which makes it one of the first and oldest limbs of the Vedas.

Ayurveda guides us to optimal health using whole foods, herbs, daily practices, seasonal practices and ethical practices to support its philosophy.

Ayurveda pervades all aspects of the Vedas and is considered the first and most ancient medical system which originated more than 5,000 years ago, which set the precedent for homeopathy, naturopathy and other holistic healing systems in the West. It is often called “the Mother of All Healing.”

Consultations with a Sattva Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant are available for those interested in holistic wellness. 

Sattva Jyotish (Vedic Astrology)

Jyotish known as vedic astrology is the science of light. Jyotish is one of the supreme sciences coming from the Vedic tradition, it is ‘Vedanga’ meaning a limb of the Veda. Jyotish literally translates as ‘science of light’ and is often referred to as the ‘Eye of the Veda’.

When we look at the cosmic moment we are born into this life we are able to better understand how the energy of our universe shows up in us. With this sacred science, we can learn how to maximize our relationships to the stars and planets, live a purposeful, happy, successful life and realize our unlimited potential.

A private 1-on-1 Vedic reading is a unique and beautiful experience. We create a life chart based on your date, time and place of birth where we share incredible insights into your “Maha Purusha” (infinite potential) and give you some suggested practices and guidelines to support your evolution. The process is simple and profound. Once you provide your date, time and place of birth, we will schedule a time to meet online or in person.

Sattva Sacred Rituals

Our personal culture defines who we are and how we show up in life each day. The sanctity of daily rituals sculpts our personal culture. At Sattva California we teach sacred rituals that can help you shift your personal culture so you can show up fully in life, shedding conditioned behaviors that don’t serve you and cultivating daily rituals that enhance you being happier, more successful and more purposeful. Sacred Rituals are shared in the contexts of yoga teacher training, wisdom talks, workshops and retreats.

Sattva Advanced Practices

Your most important relationship is with yourself. Sattva Advanced Practices allow you to cultivate the stillness of supreme silence for inner expansion. Sattva Advanced Initiation Practices are shared in the contexts of yoga teacher training, workshops and retreats.

One of our signature Advanced  Practices is our Sattva Meditation Course, a weekend course designed to teach you how to establish a successful, daily meditation practice. The Sattva Meditation practice is designed to allow you to reach deep transcendental states not accessible by meditation apps or thinking. It is a seated meditation practice, a technique stemming from the Himalayan Yog-Vedantic Tradition. When practiced 20-30 minutes twice daily, it can benefit all aspects of oneself. Benefits include but are not limited to; reducing stress, anxiety and depression, improving relationships, aiding in recovery from addictions, enhancing memory, concentration and focus, better sleep and relief from insomnia, and improving overall health.

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